Thursday, September 13, 2012

A Bear Abroad, Again

And so, I left.  With debt over my head and the road calling my name, but, it wasn't until too late that I discovered the two types of traveling.  This time I left for the money and the opportunity for freedom and adventures farther away than before, someday.  The real trouble was though, I left my heart behind.  When they say, home is where your heart is, it's true.  When I traveled with my heart beside me I was never homesick, rarely sad, and always comfortable.  When I left my heart behind I became instantly homesick, lost, and lonely.  I was discussing this dilemma with my once removed younger brother-bear, Bearalex, when he says,

"your a writer, you can write stories to express yourself"  -wisdom of a youth

Now, I don't consider myself a writer, but when I returned to my fading blog and jotted down a few lines I did start feeling better about where I was, and thus I was able to embrace the why and ignore the what.  A bit anyway.  Another thing which helps is returning to one of the passions which influenced this blog and aided in reconciling me and my heart, beer.  So, here's a go, far from my home, relaying beer.

I forgot my computer attachment cord in the glove-box of my car, so the photo's are not available, but I was invited to a restaurant called Bonefish.  It was a very busy place with some lovely wall art and high (by my standards) prices.  The fish and chips were outstanding though.  While I was looking at their limited draft list, I was recommended the Olde Mecklenburg Seasonal.  It is apparently quite popular, however the beer I tasted was yeasty and bland.  It also never improved no matter how much I drank.  Sometimes beer does that.  Either the first sip isn't so good but it improves over drinking, or the first sip might be great, but the further into the beer you get, the worse it becomes.  This one was not very good, from beginning to end.  Or so I thought.  It was their Oktoberfest submission too...

Anyway, that was the local seasonal I gave a shot and was disappointed.  Theoretically though, none of the people who might stumble upon this post will ever come across this disappointing drink.  I wish I had better news, but next time I'll be going back in time and share a mountain climbing adventure that climaxed with some Shock Top ^_^

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